
3 Key Findings Nutriplanet Study Malaysia

Title: 3 Key Findings Nutriplanet Study Malaysia

Published: 2019

Nutriplanet is a key methodolody used by Danone Research & Innovation to ensure we develop relevant optimal nutritional solutions adapted to local needs. Through this program we aim to build a comprehensive understanding of nutritional and public health issues within different countries.

We conducted a Nutriplanet study in Malaysia and developed infographics on 3 key findings:

  • Double burden of Malnutrition: Current Status and Government Intervention.
  • Complementary Feeding in Malaysia: Opportunity for Education and Intervention.
  • Inadequate Food and Nutrient Intakes in early childhood.

Complementary Feeding in Malaysia: Opportunity for Education and Intervention.

Human milk is the best possible nutrition for all infants and the World Health Organization (WHO) recommends exclusive breastfeeding for the first six months, with continued breastfeeding along with appropriate complementary foods for two years and beyond.(1)
Human milk alone is no longer adequate since infants have increased nutritional needs beyond 6 months of age. (2)
Complementary Feeding is defined as the process of giving the baby other foods and liquids in addition to breast milk. Inappropriate complementary feeding practices can lead to malnutrition and even have implications on health later in life.
Studies conducted in Malaysia, indicate that  complementary feeding may start earlier, and quality of complementary foods may need to be improved. Inappropriate complementary feeding practices maybe one reason for the double burden of malnutrition in the country.
Please find more information in the infographic here.

Double Burden of Malnutrition: Current Status and Government Intervention.

The National Health morbidity surveys conducted by the Malaysia government recognize the existence of double burden of malnutrition in children under 5. The Malaysian government aims to reduce the percentage of stunting and overweight in the population. The Ministry of Health of the Malaysian government as well as the nutrition society have various plans of action to address this concern.
Please find more information in the infographic here.

Inadequate Food and Nutrients Intake in Early Childhood.

Early childhood offers a unique window of opportunity to build long – term health. Adequate nutrition is essential in early childhood to prevent stunting, overweight and micronutrient deficiencies. (3)
Child malnutrition is also shown to impact cognitive functions.  Scientific evidence indicates that children under 6 years of age in Malaysia do not consume adequate number of servings from the various food groups. As a result, children in Malaysia may not be meeting their recommended nutrient intakes for certain nutrients, e.g. dietary fibre, vitamin A, vitamin D, calcium and iron.
Please find more information in the infographic here.

Find more information about Nutriplanet and our other programmes on our website:
Nutrition for Life/ Early Life Nutrition