
Diet quality may affect muscle health and may prevent sarcopenia

Title: Low levels of branched chain amino acids, EPA and micronutrients are associated with low muscle mass, strength and function in community-dwelling older adults

Authors: S. ter Borg, Y.C. Luiking, A. van Helvoort, Y. Boirie, J.M.G.A. Schols, C.P.G.M. de Groot
Published: 2018

Journal of Nutrition, Health & Aging

This study shows that muscle parameters are associated with blood values of specific amino acids, fatty acids, vitamin D and homocysteine. Results suggest that diet quality, meaning the quality of the dietary protein and fat sources and sufficient micronutrients, may affect muscle health and potentially the prevention of sarcopenia.

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Citation: S. ter Borg, Y.C. Luiking, A. van Helvoort, Y. Boirie, J.M.G.A. Schols, C.P.G.M. de Groot, Low levels of branched chain amino acids, EPA and micronutrients are associated with low muscle mass, strength and function in community-dwelling older adults. J Nutr Health Aging (2018).