During this year’s Nutrition and Growth conference, which takes place in Paris, France, from March 1-3 2018, Nutricia will be present in many different ways.
During the Plenary Session on Human Milk (Hall 1; Thursday, March 1, 13:00 – 13:30 hrs) dr. Bernd Stahl from Danone Research & Innovation will give an invited lecture titled: Human milk: oligosaccharides and more.
Satellite Symposium
On Friday, March 2, 15:00 – 16:00 hrs, Nutricia will host a Satellite Symposium on the subject of ‘The role of specialised nutrition in late preterm infants and infants with chronic conditions’. Two renowned speakers from the United Kingdom are invited to present:
- Feeding practises moderate to late preterm infants: a “forgotten” population.
Dr. Nick Embleton, Consultant in Neonatal Medicine at Newcastle Hospitals NHS FoundationTrust, Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom
- Optimizing growth in infants with chronic conditions using high energy formulas
Chris Smith, paediatric dietician, The Royal Alex Children’s Hospital, Brighton United Kingdom
The Symposium will be chaired by Professor Ruurd van Elburg from Danone Research & Innovation.
On Saturday March 3, seven Danone Research & Innovation abstracts will be presented as either oral or poster presentations.
Please come and visit us at the booth in the exhibition area and learn more about our science and nutritional solutions for those with special nutritional needs.
About Nutrition and Growth
This 5th edition of N&G will take place March 1-3, 2018 in Paris, France. The N&G conference aims to bring together paediatricians, nutritionists, neonatologists, experts in child development and other specialists to discuss the challenges of the interplay between nutrition and growth in the paediatric age group. The meeting enables the exchange of ideas and knowledge between different disciplines facilitating research and clinical interdisciplinary collaborations focusing on nutrition and growth.