Safety and tolerance of a novel anti-regurgitation formula
Regurgitation, infantile colic and functional constipation are common functional gastrointestinal disorders (FGIDs) during infancy. The FGIDs and their symptoms are often extremely distressing for the infant and parents, leading to a cascade of infant discomfort and crying, parental anxiety, repeated healthcare consultations and escalating healthcare costs.
By providing complete and updated parental education, reassurance and nutritional advice, healthcare professionals can optimise the management of FGIDs and related symptoms.1
“The gut health of an infant is a very important factor not only for the well-being of the child, but for the entire family. A family can only be as happy as their unhappiest child! Our translational research programme in gut health strives to support the well-being of infants and their families.”
Dr Thomas Ludwig
Principle Scientist, Pediatric Gastroenterology
Danone Research & Innovation
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